Project Access New Hampshire Resources
- Bureau of Developmental Services
We offer service coordination, day and vocational services, personal care services, community support, assistive technology, specialty services and flexible family supports including respite, and environmental modifications.
- Epilepsy Resource Prescription Card (PDF)
A handy pocket guide to help New Hampshire families stay in touch with helpful organizations, providers and community resources.
- Maine and New Hampshire Parent Resource Guide (PDF)
An expansive and comprehensive guide for you and your child. The guide covers everything from seizure first aid, diet options, health care costs, to links for support groups links, medication assistance programs, government programs, online educational videos, a template for a personal seizure action plan and more.
- Medicaid
A federal and state-funded program that serves needy individuals and families who meet financial and other eligibility requirements and certain other individuals who lack adequate resources to pay for medical care.
- New Hampshire Family Voices
We are parents who have children/youth and young adults with special health care, physical, developmental and mental health challenges. We understand the challenges families face. We identify children with special health care needs based on the impact on their lives and their families' need for related services, rather than only on their diagnosis.
- Parent Information Center
The Parent Information Center (PIC) is a recognized leader in building strong family/school partnerships. PIC provides information, support, and educational programs for parents, family members, educators, and the community. PIC is a pioneer in promoting effective parent involvement in the special education process.
- Parent to Parent of New Hampshire
Learning that your child has special medical needs or a disability can be a traumatic experience. As a parent you may have questions and concerns about dealing with your child's needs and your own feelings. You are not alone. We have been there.
- Partners in Health
129 Pleasant St., Thayer Building, Concord, NH 03301
(800) 656-3333
- Special Medical Services
We provide leadership in building and promoting a community-based system of services that is family-centered, comprehensive, coordinated and culturally competent. SMS places the highest priority on integrating public and private health services with education, social services, mental health, and family support programs by providing direct services, enabling services, population-based services, and infrastructure-building services, in keeping with current best practices in the public health field.