Manchester/Bedford Region

Please note: Google Maps may be inaccurate when giving directions for some of our Manchester locations, including 100 Hitchcock Way and 87 McGregor Street. You may wish to verify directions using another application, such as Waze, Apple Maps, or Mapquest. We are working to resolve this issue with Google Maps. Thank you for your patience.

West Entrance is closed until further notice

For our patients who have upcoming visits to 100 Hitchcock Way, please note that the West Entrance is closed until further notice due to construction. Please enter through the Main Entrance, register in the lobby, or follow the signs to the relocated West registration desk.

Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Bedford - Hawthorne Drive

Photo of Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Bedford - Hawthorne Drive
  • Fax:
  • 603-727-7840
Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Bedford - Hawthorne Drive
58 Hawthorne Drive
Bedford, NH 03110

Google Maps Directions

Office hours

Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Visit us at our other locations

Claremont Region

Valley Primary Care Family Medicine and Pediatrics provides pediatric primary care services in the Claremont, New Hampshire area.

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Concord Region

Dartmouth Hitchcock Concord offers pediatric healthcare services for the Concord, New Hampshire area.

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Keene Region

Cheshire Medical Center, located in Keene, New Hampshire, provides pediatric services to children and young adults in the Monadnock Region.

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Lebanon Region

You have several options in the Lebanon New Hampshire area to find primary, specialty, and surgical pediatric services for your children.

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Nashua Region

Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Nashua serves children and families in the Nashua, New Hampshire area, including Hudson, Merrimack, and Milford.

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New London Region

The New London Pediatric Care Center and the Newport Health Center offer pediatric care services in the New London and Newport, New Hampshire area.

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Southwestern Vermont Region

Southwestern Vermont Medical Center provides pediatric services in Bennington and Windham Counties of Vermont, eastern Rensselaer and Washington Counties of New York, and northern Berkshire County in Massachusetts.

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Windsor/Woodstock Vermont Region

Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center offers well-child exams and a complete range of preventative and acute care services for infants through adolescents in Windsor, Vermont. Ottauquechee Health Center also serves the Woodstock, Vermont area.

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