Is there a gun where your child plays? Over 40% of homes with children have a gun, and many of those guns are left unlocked or loaded. Ask other parents whether they keep guns in the home and where they are located.
If you or someone you know owns a gun, you should always:
- Keep guns unloaded in the home.
- Keep guns out of sight and reach of children
- Keep guns securely locked up. New Hampshire State law requires firearms to be kept safely stored.
- Equip guns with trigger locks and other childproof devices
- Keep ammunition locked up and away from guns and sources of heat and electricity
- Make sure guns are unloaded before you handle them
- Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction when you are handling a gun
- Take personal, long-term responsibility for your children’s supervision as well as for their ongoing education about gun safety
Never demonstrate unsafe behavior with guns that you wouldn’t want your child to copy.
Note that air rifles, while not technically "firearms" are still potentially dangerous and have been used to hunt game for years. Children have been severely injured and even killed by the use of air rifles. Please treat these as you would anything else capable of firing a projectile.